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150 Kapp Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27105

Every homeowner needs to know whats in their drinking water.

For years, homeowners have tried different types of water filtration devices,.... but each had problems.  There was nothing that solved the chlorine, contaminant and the chemical problem.  Not to mention the scale buildup problem caused by hard water. 
Water softeners using salt or potassium were used for decades, but they create more problems than they solve.  They don't do anything to filter the water and protect your family.  Water softeners simply do not remove Chlorine, contaminants, heavy metals or any pollutants.  The only thing they do is convert hard water to soft while removing the Calcium and Magnesium your body needs.  They also pollute the environment with hundreds of gallons of brine discharge.   
The Krystal Klear System is the "Green" solution.
This system provides cleaner water at every faucet in your home because it filters all the water coming into your home.  This system has
been endoresed by Bob Gosch, former Mr. USA.  Krystal Klear is also a Member of the Green Business Bureau. Not only does the system benefit your home by providing clean water at every faucet, it is also better on your plumbing fixtures and appliances.  It can help improve water flow and pressure by eliminating scale build-up in pipes.
Did you know that Chlorine is added to most all tap water sources? Your body absorbs 2/3 of the water it needs from showering and bathing.  These Chlorine byproducts trigger the production of free radicals in the body, causing cell damage.  In addition, Chlorine inhalation is a leading cause of asthma.  
Let us test your water for Chlorine.  It only takes about 5 minutes.  We
can even do this when we come out and service your heating and air
conditioning system. 
Just give us a call at 336-744-1100 a free consultation.  

Removes Chlorine
Removes heavy metals
Adds NO salt or chemicals
Does NOT use magnetics
NO filters or parts to replace
NO brine discharge to damage the environment
Acts as a bacteriostat which prevents biological contamination
Uses 'coconut shell' granular activated carbon-not carbon block
It's the industry standard for chemical removal, chlorine and VOC's