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150 Kapp Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27105
Commercial Division
Wall-Turner Company has been actively involved in Commercial upfit, service, installation, and system replacements for businesses in and around the Piedmont Triad area.  Some of our consumers include: 
    • Local dental offices
    • Churches
    • Independently owned Restaurants
    • Laundry Mats
    • Small car dealerships
    • Investment, Insurance and Attorney offices
We also offer Commercial Club Memberships with service performed either every quarter, semi-annually or annually.  Under a typical Membership,  Wall-Turner Company will perform the following service:

1.  Check complete operation of each system and all components

2.  Replace belts annually

3.  Replace throw-aways filters every visit

4.  Clean outdoor coils and accessible indoor coils annually

5.  Record temperature and pressure readings

6.  Clear all drain lines and clean drain pans
7.  Make repair recommendations and suggestions

8.  Provide Priority Service to correct equipment failure, when requested, at a low flat rate.