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Same As Cash / No Payment

Wall Turner offers this program through American General Financial.  Qualifying is easy and can be done over the phone with one of our qualified staff.  All credit checks are performed by American General and kept confidential.  Application results are usually received within 1 hour of submittal.  For qualifying individuals, make no payments and incur no interest for the duration of the loan. The perfect choice for people who want to:

  • Make a single total investment, but not today!
  • Make equal investments over the duration of the loan and incur no finance charges.
  • Need some time to arrange a home equity loan and then switch over their monthly investments to ensure tax deductible interest.
    Loan terms for qualifying individuals are:  3-months, 6-months, 9-months or 12-months. 
    If loan is not paid in full before the end of the loan term, the rate automatically reverts to a term loan with 17.9% interest due from the inception of the loan.